Notes and Documentation

ZFS on external JBOD HDD enclosure


I’ve been using a WD 8TB external desktop drive for storage on my server. I’m starting to run out of space so wanted to upgrade the storage.


I was initially consdering getting a Network Attached Storage (NAS). My understanding is that it’s basically a low powered computer with a bunch of hard disks on it. It connects directly to the network so is easily accessible by all devices in the same network. It also supports features like hardware RAID etc. It seemed like it would have been the simplest to set up but also the most expensive.

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Nextcloud with Docker


I’m using Nextcloud as an on premise backup and storage solution for a local server. I’m using docker to run a bunch of other services so this is to document running Nextcloud on docker.

Nextcloud needs access to a database which we will also need to run via docker. Note the NEXTCLOUD_TRUSTED_DOMAINS and OVERWRITEPROTOCOL variables being set. I’m using an external (not running on docker) nGINX as a reverse proxy so I need to add the domain as a trusted domain which is done by setting the value of that variable.

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